Physical Education

12th Grade Physical Education


· 40% Preparation – must be in DIFFERENT attire from what you wore to school! Shirts on the sleeve – nothing derogatory

Each student shall be required to wear attire that is safe, neat and in good taste. It should consist of a comfortable shirt, sweat shirt or warm up top, shorts, sweat pants or warm up bottom, white socks and sneakers. Footwear should not cause physical damage to the gymnasium floor or present a safety hazard to the student. All footwear must be securely fastened to the student’s feet.

It is required for health reasons that physical education attire be other than those clothes worn to school and be laundered frequently.

For safety purposes, all clothing should fit so that total movement is possible and be in good condition. No cut off sleeves or pants, metal zippers, belt buckles or tank tops are allowed.

It is highly recommended that no jewelry or ornamental accessories are worn while participating in physical education class.

Locker Room

Each student will be assigned a locker. All valuables should be locked in this locker during class. The locker room is locked during class time. If there is an item that needs to be locked up and is to big to fit in their locker, they may put the item in the P.E. Teacher’s Office.


Medical excuses will only be accepted if a parent/guardian or doctor’s note is presented on the day of the illness or in the case of an injury that interferes with the student’s performance in class.

Any student being excused for three or more days requires a doctor’s note.

· 40% Participation – active participation. What do you think that means? Must be fully engaged in activities throughout class, whether it is physical or through participation.

· Playing daily, performing exercises correctly and energetically, participating a full class period and playing with a desire to excel.

· 20% Other – Evaluations – you will be evaluated on a daily basis, in addition, you will be tested on all materials. Written tests will occur in some of our lessons. We can also skill test, so it is important to do the best you can at all times.

Write Ups – all students, not in class and not on absentee list will be written up. It is up to Mrs. Grimaldi it decide what it is (cut or excused). If it is a cut, it can not be made up and

Laps – any laps must be run pole to pole. Anything less is a -2. Any lap not attempted will result in a -5.

Work on your cardio. NJ State Standards say that all high school PE students should be able to run 1 mile in under 10 minutes.

Behavior – Be under control. Be aware of what you do and/or say! Remember this is a school community. For each behavior issue (-2).

Sportsmanship at all times!

A. Good Work Habits Exhibited Daily

B. Fair Play In Team And Individual Games

C. Respect For Official’s Decisions

D. See Explanation – Re: Sportsmanship

Have a good attitude! No need to complain! It’s too cold, it’s too hot! It’s just too right! I’m too tired.!

Marking Period 1 Activities/Games:

1. Football

2. Frisbee

3. Soccer